Manage your reputation and turn a negative into a positive

Over the last 30 years, we have built a national reputation for our crisis management expertise. We are here to help you prepare for the unexpected. When things go wrong, we will be by your side, helping you to manage difficult conversations and communicate your position effectively.

Undesirable events are a fact of life for every organisation. No matter how well managed, there will come a point where something negative happens. How you respond can make all the difference.

Our approach

Whatever it is … a cyber security incident, data breach, fire, flood, customer complaint, employee grievance, industrial accident, criminal activity or professional negligence … a negative incident can escalate out of all proportion if the communications around it are not handled properly.

By being honest and transparent with the media and those affected we aim to support you so that you can be at the recovery and rebuilding stage as quickly as possible.

Experience has shown that people will remember and judge you on how you handle an incident just as much, if not more, than by the incident itself.

When a negative incident occurs, poor communications can rapidly give rise to the spread of inaccurate information, rumour, myth and speculation, which can damage reputations and adversely affect the viability of a business, destroying staff and customer confidence.

What we offer

Prevention is always better than cure. We are here to help your team prepare for incidents and accidents; to support you in building a crisis plan and rehearse it.

We will also stand beside you when the crisis hits, drafting statements, providing a press office to deal with the media attention, enabling your top team to be free to deal with the incident.  Our experience extends to supporting people through inquiries, inquests, criticism from regulatory authorities, staff issues, customer issues and financial and management mistakes.